
136 Users

This is an app uses the SMTP capability that comes with most modern and enables it to be used by other apps.

The interface is via a simple payload on a POST Request.

You can have as many configurations stored in the app and each is loaded depending on the path of the url. In addition, it allows for different templates to be used, if so required.

The user interface is kept simple. It allows you to see all your SMTP configurations, create new configuration and update existing ones.

Documentation on this app is available at milynnus Blog-Doc under the tag mySMTP

What's new?

If you are getting an error (Caused by SSLError(SSLCertVerificationError(1, "[SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed: Hostname mismatch, certificate is not valid you will need to add verify=False in your POST request. Release the app under a new project seems to have fixed the problem. Should you wish to use the new app, please dm dev in Discord


latest (exp-rY24)

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