Auto Reply

Auto Reply


30 Users

This is an app that sends an email when a submission is received on your Formate instance using Deta Space scheduled action. It is customisable to work with any Formate submission data allowing you to designate a form field as the email address and another as the addressee name.

It is designed to work with another Deta Space app as the SMTP relay and it allows you to merge form data into the email body.

The user interface is kept simple. It allows you to see your Formate submissions and the email acknowledgement status. It allows you to send an email by selecting an email and the contents of your email. It uses the the same SMTP Relay.

The submissions can be update allowing it to be deleted immediately, add days for it to expire or change status to resend the auto reply.

Documentation on this app is available at milynnus Blog-Doc under the tag autoreply

What's new?

  • incorporate webapp layout changes only

latest (exp-Pvv7)

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