

72 Users

Your personal micro-blog hosted on your own domain!

Dump.ink is your own personal micro-blog, hosted on Deta.

Privacy: Your data is stored on your Deta account and cannot be accessed by me, the maker of Dump. This includes everything you have posted on your blog. Learn more.

Free forever hosting: The generous folks over at Deta will host this app on your account forever on your own custom domain. You just have to create a 100% free account on Deta.space. They handle SSL encryption so you don't have to worry about that either. Happy blogging.

Custom domains: You can host your Dump.ink micro-blog on your own domain. Here's a simple guide to setting that up. You also get a free .dump.ink subdomain of your choosing for free, as long as it's available. First come, first serve basis.

All future updates: You'll get all future updates to Dump.link (and there will be many) as soon as they release. You can update the app from your Deta.space dashboard.

What's new?

fixed a security bug that let people edit other people's posts on the post page


latest (v1.2.1)

Total Installs


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