Data GUIs
Both Deta Base and Deta Drive offer graphical user interfaces for you to view and manage your data. You can access Base and Drive UI for data in an App’s Collection, for Headless Collections in the Collections app, and for data in your Builder Project.
Opening the Data GUIs
How you open the data GUIs depends on if you are dealing with an App’s Collection, Headless Collection, of Builder Project.
For a Headless Collection, open the Collections app from the Horizon. Choose a Collection to open, and then select or create a resource to open a Data GUI.
For a Builder Project, open your project from Builder, navigate to the Develop tab and the Data sub-tab. From here you can open a resource in a Data GUI.
For an App Collection, open the data GUIs by clicking an app’s context menu from the Horizon and selcting App Data.
Base UI is the default view for an App Collection, to open Drive UI, click the Drive tab.
For a Builder Project, open your project from Builder, navigate to the Develop tab and the Data sub-tab. From here you can open a resource in a Data GUI.
Base UI
The Base User Interface provides a Graphical User Interface (GUI) for text data in Deta Base. You can use Base UI for inspecting, adding, modifying, and deleting records in a Base.
Filter data swiftly in Base UI using a search keyword. This will search your entire data set for items that contain exact matches to your keyword.
You can also use Queries from the Deta Base query language in Base UI. This lets you run fetch data that match certain conditions, like not equal, contains, greater than, less than, among many others. Just enter a valid query in the input field and click Run Query to query your data.
Read the complete documentation for Base Queries here.
Editing you data
⚠️ Be careful editing your data for an App Collection, this can break your app. Be especially careful when changing the type of any individual field.
You can edit your data for any Collection. If you are using an App Collection, you need to activate Edit Mode by toggling the switch.
Edit individual cells by clicking on them and editing their values in-line.
Hit save after making changes, or undo to cancel them.
Advance Editing
Click a cell containing Object or Array data, or the expand icon in a given cell, for more advanced editing options, including changing data types.
You can also an entire row of Base data as a JSON object by clicking the edit icon (đź“ť).
Adding items
Create new items by clicking Add Item and editing the new row. You can add and edit multiple rows at once.
Click Save X Items to save in progress changes to your Base.
Deleting items
Select the checkbox(es) for the item(s) you want to delete and click the Delete button.
Upon opening the Base UI, it displays the latest data. Click the Refresh button to update and fetch any new data changes.
Drive UI
The Drive User Interface provides a Graphical User Interface (GUI) for files in Deta Drive. You can use Drive UI for viewing, adding, and deleting files from a Drive.
Downloading Files
To download a file, click the download icon, which is on the right side of the the table.
Preview Files
Click on a file’s name to preview it. Files highlighted in blue can be previewed directly in your browser.
There you can download the file by clicking on the icon in the top right corner.
Your current location is highlighted in black in the navigation bar at the top of Drive UI.
Editing Files
You can upload or delete files from a Drive via Drive UI by activating Edit Mode. Activate Edit Mode by toggling the switch.
Upload a file by clicking the Upload button or dragging it into the list of files and folders. The file will be uploaded to the current directory.
Deleting Files
To delete files, select the checkbox(es) for the desired file(s) and click the trash icon in the top right corner of the Drive UI panel.