The Spacefile

The Spacefile file contains the configuration of your app and is used by Deta Space to understand what your app looks like and how to run it.

The Spacefile file must be named Spacefile and needs to be in the root directory of your project. It uses a syntax similar to YAML, if you’re new to YAML and want to learn more, see ”Learn YAML in Y minutes.“.

You can use the space new command to let the Space CLI automatically create the Spacefile for you.

Here is an example Spacefile:

v: 0
icon: ./icon.png
- name: python-app
src: ./src/python
engine: python3.9
primary: true
- name: custom-app
src: ./src/custom
engine: custom
- go get
- go build main.go
run: ./main
- main

To customize the appearence of your app on Discovery you can add a file to your project.


Here are all the options supported by the Spacefile.

v (version)


The first key/value pair in your Spacefile should be the Spacefile version. The latest version at the moment is 0.

v: 0



Use icon to specify a path to an image file to use as your app’s icon. The icon will be used wherever your app is displayed (e.g. the Horizon).

The path should be relative to your Spacefile and needs to point to a file inside your project’s directory.

The image needs to be a PNG or WebP file of 512x512 pixels.

icon: src/static/icon.png



The micros object is arguably the most important section in the Spacefile. It lists all the micros your app uses and configures each one individually.



Each micro needs to have a unique name and must follow the following rules:

  • can only contain alphanumeric characters and hyphen
  • start with alphanumeric characters
- name: api



Use src to specify the relative path to the root directory of the micro.

Each micro should be in its own directory which needs to contain all files required for the Micro to run.

- name: api
src: ./api/



Use engine to specify the runtime for the Micro, supported values:

  • static
  • react
  • svelte
  • vue
  • next
  • nuxt
  • svelte-kit
  • python3.9
  • python3.8
  • nodejs16
  • custom


- name: api
src: ./api/
engine: nodejs16

Some engines require additional configuration. Refer to the “Quickstart Guides” section for more information about specific engines.


Required if your Spacefile contains more than one Micro

If your app contains more than one Micro, use primary to identify which Micro should be used as the entry point of your application. The primary Micro will receive all requests made to your application which are not under another micro’s path.

- name: frontend
src: ./frontend/
engine: svelte
primary: true
- name: backend
src: ./backend/
engine: nodejs16



If your app contains more than one Micro, use path to specify under which path relative to the hostname a Micro should receive requests. Requests are proxied so you your Micro will receive them at the root, no need to prefix your routes with the given Micro path.

If the path is missing, the path will fall back to the Micro name.

- name: frontend
src: ./frontend/
engine: svelte
primary: true
- name: backend
src: ./backend/
engine: nodejs16
path: api


Required for static Micros

Use serve to specify which directory should be served for your static Micro. All the files and directories inside the specified directory will be served relative to your Micro’s path.

This option can only be used for Micros with the static engine or engines based on it like vue, react and svelte.

- name: frontend
src: ./frontend/
engine: static
serve: dist/



Use commands to specify a set of commands to run before packaging the Micro.

- name: api
src: ./api/
engine: custom
- go get
- go build main.go



Use include to specify which files and directories in your Micro’s src should be part of the final app package. If include is used, everything not part of it will be ignored and won’t be part of your app. You can specify multiple files and directories.

If your Micro uses a build step, include can be used to tell Space to only include the build output in your final app and ignore your source code and other unnecessary files.

- name: api
src: ./api/
engine: nodejs16
- npm run build
- build/
- images/



Use run to specify a command which starts your Micro. For the Micro to receive requests, it needs to listen on the port specified in the environment variable PORT.

- name: api
src: ./api/
engine: custom
run: ./main



Use dev to specify a command which starts your Micro in development mode. This command will be used to start your micro when you run space dev.

- name: api
src: ./api/
engine: custom
run: ./main
dev: go run main.go



Specify different presets to use with your Micro.



Use the env preset to define environment variables that the user can set for a Micro.

  • name : environment variable name or key
  • description : human friendly description
  • default : default value for the variable
- name: api
src: ./api/
engine: python3.9
description: Secret message only available to this Micro
default: "deta is cool"

More information on the env preset can be found in the The Space Runtime Configuration.



Use the api_keys preset to enable the use of API keys to access a private routes of a Micro.

The user of your app will be able to generate API keys in the app settings and can use them in requests to a Micro using the X-Space-App-Key HTTP header.

- name: api
src: ./api/
engine: python3.9
api_keys: true

More information on API Keys can be found on the Authentication page.



Use public_routes to define which paths of your Micro should be available to the public. These routes will not be protected behind auth.

- name: backend
src: backend
engine: python3.9
- "/test" # exact match
- "/public/*" # wildcards
- "/api/*/docs" # wildcards can be placed anywhere

More information on public routes can be found in Authentication.



Use public to specify whether a Micro should be available to the public. If public is set to false, the Micro will not be available to the public and will only be accessible to the app’s owner.

Note: public: true is just a shorthand for public_routes: ["/*"]. We recommend using public_routes instead if you need more customization.

- name: frontend
src: .
engine: svelte
primary: true
public: true



Use actions to specify actions that perform certain tasks inside your app on a specific trigger like a schedule.

- name: backend
src: backend
engine: nodejs16
run: "node index.js"
- id: "cleanup"
name: "Clean Up"
description: "Cleans up unused data"
trigger: "schedule"
default_interval: "0/15 * * * *"

An action is compromised of the following fields:

  • id (required): a unique identifier for the action (needs to be unique across the app)
  • name (required): a human readable name for the action (needs to be unique across the app)
  • description (optional): a human readable description for the action (max 142 chars)
  • trigger (required): what triggers the action. Needs to be set to schedule.
  • default_interval (required): interval with which the schedule will run at (supports rates and cron expressions)

When an action runs, a POST request containing the following body will be sent to the path /__space/v0/actions on your Micro:

"event": {
"id": "cleanup",
"trigger": "schedule"

It is up to you to handle the request and run whatever logic you need.

Each scheduled action needs to have a default interval at which it runs at. Space currently supports two types of intervals:


You can define the rate at which an action should run. It is comprised of a value and unit.

  • value: is a non-zero positive integer
  • unit: unit of time, can be minute, minutes, hour, hours, day, days. If the value is 1 the unit must be minute, hour or day.

Start Time

The schedule starts from the time of installation rounded up to:

  • minute → next minute
  • hour → next nearest hour
  • day → next day at 00:00


  • 1 minute: Run every minute
  • 2 hours: Run every two hours
  • 5 days: Run every five days
Cron Expressions

Cron expressions allow you more flexibility and precision when scheduling a task. Cron expressions have five required fields, which are separated by white space and run based on UTC.

Month1-12 or jan-dec,-*/
Day-of-week0-7 (0 or 7 is Sunday) or sun-sat,-*


  • The , (comma) wildcard includes additional values. In the Month field, jan,feb,mar would include January, February, and March.

  • The - (dash) wildcard specifies ranges. In the Day field, 1-15 would include days 1 through 15 of the specified month.

  • The * (asterisk) wildcard includes all values in the field. In the Hours field, * would include every hour. You cannot use * in both the Day-of-month and Day-of-week fields. If you use it in one, you must use ? in the other.

  • The / (forward slash) wildcard specifies increments. In the Minutes field, you could enter 1/10 to specify every tenth minute, starting from the first minute of the hour (for example, the 11th, 21st, and 31st minute, and so on).


  • You can’t specify the Day-of-month and Day-of-week fields in the same cron expression. If you specify a value (or a *) in one of the fields, you must use a * (asterisk) in the other.

  • Cron expressions that lead to rates faster than 1 minute are not supported.


  • 0 10 * * * : Run at 10:00 am (UTC) every day
  • 15 12 * * * : Run at 12:15 pm (UTC) every day
  • 0 18 * * mon-fri : Run at 6:00 pm (UTC) every Monday through Friday
  • 0 8 1 * * : Run at 8:00 am (UTC) every 1st day of the month
  • 0/15 * * * * : Run every 15 minutes
  • 0/5 8-17 * * mon-fri : Run every 5 minutes Monday through Friday between 8:00 am and 5:55 pm (UTC)

More information on scheduled actions and how to use them in your app can be found here.



Use auto_pwa to turn off auto PWA-fication of Space apps. It is true by default. If auto_pwa is set to false, the Space Runtime will not serve the client-runtime with the default Manifest file and service worker.

auto_pwa: false