

๐Ÿ’ก You can get your Data Key and your Project ID of your project in Builder. You need these to talk with the Deta Drive API.

Root URL

This URL is the base for all your HTTP requests:{project_id}/{drive_name}

The drive_name is the name given to your drive. If you already have a Drive, then you can go ahead and provide itโ€™s name here. Additionally, you could provide any name here when doing any PUT or POST request and our backend will automatically create a new drive for you if it does not exist. There is no limit on how many โ€œDrivesโ€ you can create.


A Data Key must to be provided in the request headers as a value for the X-API-Key key for authentication. This is how we authorize your requests.

Example 'X-API-Key: a0abcyxz_aSecretValue'.

Data Keys were called Project Keys in earlier versions of Deta.

File Names And Directories

Each file needs a unique name which identifies the file. Directorial hierarchies are represented logically by the name of the file itself with the use of backslash /.

For example, if you want to store a file world.txt under the directory hello , the name of the file should be hello/world.txt.

The file name must not end with a /. This also means that you can not create an empty directory.

A directory ceases to exist if there are no more files in it.


Put File

POST /files?name={name}

Stores a smaller file in a single request. Use this endpoint if the file size is small enough to be sent in a single request. The file is overwritten if the file with given name already exists.

We do not accept payloads larger than 10 Mb on this endpoint. For larger uploads, use chunked uploads.

Content-TypeNoThe content type of the file. If the content type is not specified, the file name is used to figure out the content type. Defaults to application/octet-stream if the content type can not be figured out.
Query ParamsRequiredDescription
nameYesThe name of the file. More here.

Initialize Chunked Upload

Initializes a chunked file upload. If the file is larger than 10 MB, use this endpoint to initialize a chunked file upload.

POST /uploads?name={name}

nameYesThe name of the file. More here.

Upload Chunked Part

Uploads a chunked part.

POST /uploads/{upload_id}/parts?name={name}&part={part}

Each chunk must be at least 5 Mb and at most 10 Mb. The final chunk can be less than 5 Mb.

upload_idYesThe upload_id received after initiating a chunked upload
nameYesThe name of the file. More here.
partYesThe chunk part number, start with 1

End Chunked Upload

End a chunked upload.

PATCH /uploads/{upload_id}?name={name}

upload_idYesThe upload_id received after initiating a chunked upload
nameYesThe name of the file. More here.

Abort Chunked Upload

Aboart a chunked upload.

DELETE /uploads/{upload_id}?name={name}

upload_idYesThe upload_id received after initiating a chunked upload
nameYesThe name of the file. More here.

Download File

Download a file from drive.

GET /files/download?name={name}

nameYesThe name of the file. More here.

List Files

List file names from drive.

GET /files?limit={limit}&prefix={prefix}&last={last}

limitNoThe limit of number of file names to get, defaults to 1000
prefixNoThe prefix that each file name must have.
lastNoThe last file name seen in a paginated response.

Delete Files

Delete files from drive.

DELETE /files

Content-Type: "application/json"
"names": ["file_1", "file_2"]
namesYesThe names of the files to delete, maximum 1000 file names