
Deta Base comes with its own query language for fetching data that match certain conditions. Queries are regular objects/dicts/maps with conventions for different operators for specifying the conditions. You can use queries in Base UI,the Base SDK, or the Base HTTP API.

Base Queries come with a number of operators for querying data, and logical operators AND and OR.


Queries support the following operators:

{"age": 22, "name": "Beverly"}
// hierarchical
{"user.profile.age": 22, "user.profile.name": "Beverly"}
{"fav_numbers": [2, 4, 8]}
{"time": {"day": "Tuesday", "hour": "08:00"}}
Not Equal
{"user.profile.age?ne": 22}
Less Than
{"user.profile.age?lt": 22}
Greater Than
{"user.profile.age?gt": 22}
Less Than or Equal
{"user.profile.age?lte": 22}
Greater Than or Equal
{"user.profile.age?gte": 22}
{"user.id?pfx": "afdk"}
{"user.age?r": [22, 30]}
// if user email contains the substring @deta.sh
"user.email?contains": "@deta.sh"
// if berlin is in a list of places lived
"user.places_lived_list?contains": "berlin"
Not Contains
// if user email does not contain @deta.sh
"user.email?not_contains": "@deta.sh" // 'user.email?!contains' also valid
// if berlin is not in a list of places lived
"user.places_lived_list?not_contains": "berlin" // 'user.places_lived_list?!contains' also valid

?contains and ?not_contains only works for a list of strings if checking for membership in a list; it does not apply to list of other data types. You can store your lists always as a list of strings if you want to check for membership.

Logical Operators


The entries in a single query object are AND ed together. For e.g. the query:

"active": true,
"age?gte": 22

will retrieve items where active is true and age is greater than or equal to 22.

The query above would translate to SQL as:

SELECT * FROM base WHERE active=1 AND age>=22;

Multiple query objects in a list are OR ed together. For eg. the queries:

[{"age?lte": 30}, {"age?gte": 40}]

will retrieve items where age is less than equal to 30 or age is greater than equal to 40.

The query above would translate to SQL as:

SELECT * FROM base WHERE age<=30 OR age>=40;


You can use the period character . to query for hierarchical fields within the data. For instance if you have the following item in the base:

"key": "user-key",
"profile": {
"age": 22,
"active": true

Then you can query for the active and age within profile directly:

"profile.age": 22,
"profile.active": true

Querying Keys

You need to consider the following when querying on keys:

  • The keys must be strings hence the operation values must also be strings.
  • The contains and not-contains operators are not supported.
  • The AND and OR operations for different query values are not supported.

For e.g. the following queries are invalid:

// different AND key queries (invalid query)
"key": "a",
"key?pfx": "b"
// different OR key queries (invalid query)
[{"key?pfx":"a"}, {"key?pfx": "b"}]