Run a Node.js App

This quickstart assumes that you have:

💡 Currently, Space only supports Node.js 16, with plans to add support for Node.js 18 soon. We recommend using a Node version manager like nvm to install Node.js and npm on your computer. This will allow you to quickly install and use different versions of Node.js.

Create a Node.js App

First, create a directory to contain the source code of your app, and navigate to it.

Terminal window
mkdir nodejs-app
cd nodejs-app

Next, initialize a new Node.js app and generate a package.json file to manage the dependencies for your app. We’ll also install a web framework; for this guide, we’ll use Express.js, but feel free to use another framework of your choice if you prefer.

Terminal window
npm init -y
npm i express

To get started with Express.js, create a new file called index.js. Then, add the following code:

const express = require("express");
const app = express();
const port = process.env.PORT || 8080;
app.get("/", (req, res) => {
res.send("Hello from Space! 🚀");
app.listen(port, () => {
console.log(`App listening on port ${port}!`);

This code sets up a basic web server that listens on the port specified by the PORT environment variable.

💡 Make sure your app is configured to listen on the port defined by the PORT environment variable.

Create a Space Project

Space projects allow you to build, test, and use apps on Deta Space. They are also a (optional) launchpad for releasing them to the public.

To create a Space project, run the following command in the directory containing your source code:

Terminal window
space new

You will be prompted to enter a name for your project. The CLI will display a generated configuration for the app and prompt you to confirm.

Once confirmed, the project will be created along with a Spacefile. The Spacefile contains the configuration for your Micro and a .space directory that stores project information and links it to your project.

# Spacefile Docs:
v: 0
- name: nodejs-app
src: .
engine: nodejs16
primary: true

⚠️ For now, the Spacefile with the generated configuration only works when there an index.js file at the root directory of the micro’s source code else you will have to explicitly define what command should be executed to start your app with the run command.

⚠️ If the CLI fails to generate a configuration for your app, you can configure it manually. For more information, please refer to the Spacefile reference.

The Spacefile can be further configured to depending on your project’s specific requirements. So whether your project has a build step, or only a specific directory is required to be included in the final package of the Micro, you can configure these with the Spacefile and the build pipeline will handle them accordingly. Read more here.

# Spacefile Docs:
v: 0
- name: nodejs-app
src: .
engine: nodejs16
primary: true
- npm run build
- dist
run: node dist/index.js

Developing Locally

You can run your app on your local machine, in a way that emulates Space for development. To do so, you need to define a startup command for your app’s development server using the dev command in the Spacefile.

# Spacefile Docs:
v: 0
- name: nodejs-app
src: .
engine: nodejs16
primary: true
- npm run build
- dist
run: node dist/index.js
dev: npm run dev

Once you define the dev command for the Micro in the Spacefile, you can start the development server by running the following command:

space dev

Run it on Space

To deploy your app to Space, simply run:

space push

This will validate your Spacefile, package and upload your source code to the Space build pipeline, and stream logs of the whole process on your terminal. Once the build process is complete, your Builder Instance. Open it in your browser to test and use a live copy of your app on the internet.

💡 You can use space push --open to open the builder instance in your browser after successful deployement and update of the builder instance.

Congratulations! 🎉 You have successfully built, deployed and got your first Node.js app on Space. 🚀