New Apps



Hi there!

You’re starting an exciting journey building web applications for a new personal computer on the internet: Deta Space. This guide is meant to help you build personal cloud apps with Deta Space, from A to Z.

If you’re curious what all the fuss is about, read more about what the personal cloud is, or why you should care.

Sign Up for Space and Log In

If you haven’t yet, the first thing you’ll need to do is sign up for a Deta Space account. You can do so here. You should get a confirmation email. After you confirm, you can log in to Space.


đź’ˇP.S. Make sure the Developer Mode toggle is enabled when you signup.

The User Interface

After you log in, you should see a screen like this.


This is your Horizon, which is a home for all your apps: what you create and 3rd party apps you install. The command bar at the bottom is called Teletype, which provides you with many context-specific actions to help you navigate Space (like Searching the Docs). If you ever aren’t sure what to do, you can open Teletype and see what’s there. The blue app is called Builder and is your companion for building apps on Deta Space, along with the Space CLI.

Read more about the Space User Interface.

Installing the Space CLI

To build apps, you need the Space CLI on your local machine. Download it with one of the following commands:

To install the Space CLI on MacOS, open a Terminal session and enter:

Terminal window
curl -fsSL | sh

After it downloads, you need to use the command space login to authenticate with the CLI. This requires an Access Token, which you can get by clicking the Settings action from Teletype on your Horizon.

Read more about Installing the CLI and the complete list of CLI commands.

❗️ If you encounter command not found: space after a successful installation, please try to restart your terminal session.

Apps on Deta Space

A Space app is different from a normal web app. A normal web app on the “public cloud” is one centralized app that serves many users.

On Space, each user gets their own personal copy of an app, in their own personal cloud. Space apps and their data are private by default, meaning they belong to users, who have to be logged in to use them.

As a developer, you build assuming that you’re the only (already authenticated) user. You can use your favorite programming languages and frameworks, but you don’t have to think about authentication code or data separation. Of course you can still build public facing features or applications that don’t have auth, like websites.

With Deta Space, you can build all sorts of web applications for yourself and keep it that way. But the personal cloud also has a powerful publishing model — you’re one step away from making your app available to almost anyone in the world with an internet connection.

Read more about Space Apps.

Creating a Project with Builder

You need a Project to build an app. A Project is where you build, test, and release apps to the public. Projects live in a Space System App mentioned earlier, called Builder.

To create a new project, open a new terminal, navigate into a new directory (or the directory of an existing app you want to push to Space) and run the space new command:

Terminal window
space new

Enter a name for your Project. The Space CLI should try to detect applications in your local directory. If found, you can see the config bootstrapped by the CLI for those applications in a newly created file called the Spacefile. If you used the Builder UI or have an existing Builder Project, you can use the CLI command space link to link a local directory with your Builder Project.

Your Project should now appear when you open the Builder app, where you can test, run, manage and publish your apps with Space.


The Space Runtime and Spacefile

Deta Space has its own runtime — the Space Runtime — that can run almost any type of web app. It supports most programming languages and frameworks. The Spacefile contains the configuration of your app and is used by Deta Space to understand what your app looks like and how to run it.

Here’s an example Spacefile for a To Do app built with a static frontend and a Node.js backend:

# Spacefile Docs:
v: 0
- name: frontend
src: frontend
engine: static
primary: true
- npm run build
serve: dist
dev: npm run dev -- --port $PORT
- name: backend
src: backend
engine: nodejs16
run: node index.js
path: api
dev: npm run dev
- id: "cleanup"
name: "Delete done tasks"
trigger: "schedule"
default_interval: "1 minute"

Check out the Spacefile reference for all available options.

Computing with Micros

A Space app runs on serverless compute units called Micros. A Space app can contain up to five Micros, which run most programming languages and frameworks.

If space new doesn’t bootstrap your Micro when creating a project locally, you can add it by writing to the Spacefile. Create an individual Micro with the micros field in the Spacefile.

v: 0
- name: frontend
src: frontend
engine: static

Here’s what the required fields in the Spacefile do:

  • name: identifies your Micro inside your app
  • src: the location of your the Micro’s code in your local directory (relative to the root)
  • engine: the programming language or framework for your Micro

There are many optional fields that you can use, depending on what your app does. With the Spacefile you can make Micros do many things, among them:

  • provide Space’s build pipeline with build commands for your Micro via build
  • provide the Space CLI with a command to spin up your Micro locally via dev
  • indicate on what relative path to serve any given Micro via path
  • make individual routes public via public_routes
  • create scheduled tasks via actions

Check out the Spacefile reference for all available options.

Making Your App Public

If you’re building something like a website and need parts of your app (or the whole thing) to be public facing, check out how to use the public or public_routes fields in the Spacefile.

v: 0
- name: frontend
src: frontend
engine: static
public: true

Read more about public Micros and routes.

Data Storage

Deta Space offers persistent data storage for Space apps with Collections. Every Space app gets its own Collection. End users of an app are the ones with access to this Collection — data is meant to belong to them.

Collections offer two persistent storage services:

To get started writing data or files to Base or Drive, you can use the Deta SDKs or Deta HTTP APIs. Authentication is fully managed by Space if you use the SDKs and the space dev command for local development.

Base SDK Code Snippet
const { Deta } = require('deta'); // import Deta
// Initialize
const deta = Deta();
// This how to connect to or create a database.
const db = deta.Base('simple_db');
// You can create as many as you want without additional charges.
const books = deta.Base('books');
// store objects
// a key will be automatically generated
await db.put({name: "alex", age: 77})

You can also manually authenticate against any Collection using a Data Key, which you can get from your Builder Project, under the Develop / Data tab. There is also a Data Key in the environment of every Space app, stored as DETA_PROJECT_KEY.

Base HTTP API Code Snippet (with Manual Auth)
const fetch = require('node-fetch');
const dataKey = process.env.DETA_PROJECT_KEY;
// Replace these placeholders with your own values
const projectId = dataKey.split('_')[0];
const baseName = 'your_base_name';
const url = `${projectId}/${baseName}/items/{your_item_key}`;
const headers = {
'X-API-Key': dataKey,
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
fetch(url, { headers })
.then((response) => {
if (response.ok) {
return response.json();
} else {
throw new Error(`Error ${response.status}: ${response.statusText}`);

All the data stored while building your app is viewable and editable via Base UI and Drive UI in the Develop Tab of your Builder Project.


Read more about data on Space as a developer and as a user.

Running Your App Locally

The Space CLI offers support to run your app locally, emulating how your app runs in Space with the command space dev. This command starts up your Micros, imitates Space’s routing locally, and authenticates your local development environment with your Project’s Bases and Drives.

To use space dev, you will need to provide a dev parameter to every Micro in your Spacefile. The dev parameter is the command space dev uses to start a Micro’s development server. Make sure the command starts your web server on the port specified with the PORT environment variable, with port XXXX as a fallback.

# Spacefile Docs:
v: 0
- name: svelte
src: svelte
engine: svelte-kit
primary: true
- name: fastapi
src: fastapi
engine: python3.9
dev: uvicorn main:app
run: uvicorn main:app
path: api

space dev:

Terminal window
~svelte-fastapi % space dev
đź‘€ Checking for running micros...
đź’» Starting 2 micro servers...
Micro svelte (primary)
L url: http://localhost:4200/
Micro fastapi
L url: http://localhost:4200/api

Pushing Your App to Space

Once you have your app working locally, you can push it to the internet on Deta Space with a single command, from your Project’s local directory:

Terminal window
space push

This command will package all your code files and pass them to the Space Build Pipeline, streaming build logs back to your machine. If your build completes successfully, a revision (an installable and runnable package of your app) will be created and installed to your Project’s Builder Instance.

Builder Instances


Builder Instances are fully functional apps running in Space, tied to a Project. You can use them to test and debug your app on Space before releasing it to the world. Or you can use them as a flexible personal copy of an app you built for your own use. They offer all the features that normal Space apps offer, and are always based on a specific Revision of a Project.

When you push a Project’s code for the first time, a Builder Instance is automatically added to your Horizon (signified by the purple DEV marker). You can also view them in your Builder Projects. Data stored is shared across your entire Builder Project — both your Builder Instance and your local setup with space dev have access to the same data.

Logs and Debugging

As a real copy of your app running in Space, the Builder Instance is perfect for end to end tests in a real production environment. If something goes wrong at runtime, you can inspect the logs to see what the issue may be. Logs are viewable from your Project in Builder, or from your app’s context menu on the Horizon, just like on any other app.


Read more about debugging with Space.

Using a Builder Instance

You can use your Builder Instance as you would any other app. Click on your Builder Instance, to open it in a new tab. If your app is an API, use the URL outside the browser.

You also have all the normal features of a Space App:

Publishing Your App


Once you’ve built something that runs in your Builder Instance, you’re one step away from publishing it to just about anyone in the world.

You can use the CLI or Builder UI to create a Release, which will be installable in others’ personal clouds via a link:

Using the CLI, use the following command to release your app:

Terminal window
space release

If you use the additional CLI flag --listed, your app will be publicly discoverable and installable via Deta Discovery.

Read more about publishing on Space.

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