


5933 Users

Group, organize and share links from around the web

πŸ‘‹ Introduction

WebCrate helps you organize links, articles and more from around the web in a central place. You can add links from any device or directly from the browser using a Firefox/Chrome extension and organize them into different collections called crates. Share crates with anyone or subscribe to crates by other users to stay up to date.

  • Easy to use: Minimal, focused and intuitive interface
  • Customizable: Add your own context to each link and use emojis to distinguish crates
  • Sharing: Share your links and crates with the world
  • Cross Platform: Install as PWA and use Browser Extensions
  • Private: WebCrate runs on Deta Space, a new personal cloud

Visit webcrate.app to learn more!

πŸ“š Documentation

You can find the documentation and guides on the WebCrate hompage: webcrate.app/docs. Also take a look at the FAQ if you have any questions left or feel free to open a discussion!

πŸ”¨ Contributing

There are several ways to contribute to WebCrate. The easiest is to star this repo and spread the word about WebCrate on different platforms like Twitter (tag @WebCrateApp). This helps to get more people involved and ultimately benefits you as a user!

You can also contribute by reporting any bugs you encounter as an issue and suggesting new features in a discussion.

Finally you can also contribute directly by making a code contribution in the form of a PR. Please open a discussion and take a look at the Contributing Guide before making any changes to the code!




What's new?

Experimental cards support


latest (v1.5.5)

Total Installs


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