


251 Users

generating images with ai from your phone


send a message on telegram, get an image back.

powered by DALL·E 2 & space.

images stored in a deta drive for you to use l8er.


  1. install telemage.
  2. in telegram, open search & search for botfather. talk to it to create a telegram bot (use /newbot). botfather will give you that bot key.
  3. paste that bot key into the TELEGRAM config variable (from your telemage tile on canvas, click the ..., then 'settings' then 'configuration').
  4. get an API key from open ai. input the API key into the OPEN_AI configuration variable (see above).
  5. open your app and visit the "setup" view. click the "setup webhook" button to setup the webhook with telegram.
  6. message your bot "/chatid" to get your chat id.
  7. open the app again and visit the "authorize" view. add the chat id with the button.

you are now readdddy to jump around with some images.


add your bot as a contact in telegram.

message your bot. get an image back.

visit for the source.

blackhole integration

if you want your images to be saved in a nifty ui with shareable urls, you can integrate telemage with blackhole in a few simple steps.

  1. install blackhole
  2. create an integration in blackhole (click "integrations", name your integration, and then click "create")
  3. copy your integration url (in blackhole under "integrations", then "manage", then copy icon for your integration)
  4. open telemage's settings from your canvas, visit the configuration tab, paste your integration url into the BLACKHOLE configuration variable, click save

all images you generate now be saved in your blackhole 🕳️

(note that this replaces telemage's own native store as the storage destination)


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