


440 Users

Unlimited and unthrottled direct file sharing

Snapdrop: direct file sharing in your browser. Inspired by Apple's Airdrop, now on Deta!

You can now share unlimited files across the Internet to anyone on your instance, not just on your network! Since files are shared over WebRTC, files have no limit and are shared at the top speed of your connections. Also supports mobile and sending plain text.

For support, suggestions, or bug reports, feel free to ping jerbear#4328 in the #snapdrop channel on the Deta Discord server.

Snapdrop is built with the following awesome technologies:


Thanks to:

  • RobinLinus and all the other contributors for the original Snapdrop
  • Thanks to pomdtr#1193 on Discord for the idea and initial help in porting Snapdrop to Deta
  • Mustafa and the awesome team at Deta for making such an awesome plaform!

What's new?

First release. It works!


latest (v1.0.0)

Total Installs


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