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Embeds, Mobile & More

October 19, 2023


Last week, we announced the alpha of Space OS to the world. We were both encouraged and humbled, with the wider community reporting a lot of issues and sharing many feature requests. We’ve got our work cut out, but we’re excited to bring you some improvements this week.

Embed the Internet

For many, the highlight of Horizon’s cards is the Card App, which you can hand code or generate with AI.

One other feature that now works (for websites that accept it), is embedding other websites on the Internet via any Card App. Just create a Card App, paste a URL, and have your own piece of the web instantly accessible from any Horizon.

Old Mobile Horizon

Great for light work, heavy play, and everything in between.

Old Mobile Horizon

Mobile Improvements

When we launched Horizon, we scurried to keep pinned apps working, but didn’t have support for any of the other card types on your mobile devices.

Old Mobile Horizon

Today, you can view all the Cards on your Horizon from your mobile device.

Old Mobile HorizonOld Mobile Horizon

Developer Mode

We’ve got many questions about developer mode, as many of you want to build apps. We’ve currently switched access to apply only, as we prepare SpaceKit 2 for a wider audience. We have a small team and need to focus our efforts on creating great experiences for everyone in Space.

But we’re still taking in new developers. If there’s something you want to build for Space or Discovery, make sure to apply today.

User Feedback

If you’ve used Horizon over the past week and have feedback, opinions, and / or feature requests, we’d love to talk to you. This is incredibly valuable for us, and helps shape how Space OS will develop going forwards. Let us know if you’d be open to do user interview with the team here.

Bug Fixes and Other Improvements

Lastly we’ve also got a number of smaller improvements this week:

  • If you install an app from Deta Discovery, you can now jump straight to the stretch of your Horizon that holds your app
  • The mobile view should no longer show on Desktop
  • Numerous small bug fixes and performance improvements